5 Things I wish I knew about WordPress

When I first decided to start an amateur blog here on WordPress over the summer I didn’t know what I was doing. Time progressed my blog began to take shape into not only something I enjoyed reading and writing but what my audience enjoyed reading from me. As I reflect I thought I would create this post on 5 of things I wish I knew about WordPress when I began.

  1. Featured Images. I had no clue how people posted images to display on their webpages. I figured I could just add a photo to a post and call it a day. Well yes but that isn’t a feature image that displays like a profile image for your post.
  2. Functions of Tags & Categories. Tags & Categories are extremely useful for not just you but your users.Tags can be searched by any reader even on search engines. Categories are useful if you want to create different tabs at the top of your page. You can separate various topics or information to make your site easier to navigate.
  3. Branding. While this doesn’t seem too important but once I created my logo I took my blog more serious. I didn’t just want Writing Natural to die out within a few months. I want this blog to echo into the future.
  4. Scheduling Posts. This is a brilliant tool that will make your life a million times easier. I was extremely hesitant to rely on this tool because I didn’t know if it would actually post but I gave it a try and it has made a tremendous difference for my writing.
  5. Dashboard/Admin functions. I’m still trying to switch my view from just the normal wordpress.com to the admin functions. There are many more tools that you can use to include in any post. To access the admin functions enter: /wp-admin/  after your URL.

If you’ve read any of my posts from earlier this week I apologize for the repetition but I would like as many participants I can get for my poll.

6 thoughts on “5 Things I wish I knew about WordPress

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  1. I’m new to blogging, this definitely helped me! I was like what the f$:”@ is a featured image! Thankyou for sharing!
    I found you on the community pool! It would be amazing if you could choose one of my blogs, read and comment on it.
    I just started out and am looking for some feedback 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

    1. I read your blog. I enjoyed your writing style. I’d suggest adding tags so people can find your posts, try the daily post challenges or daily prompts, try different layouts as you grow. It took me a while to find one that I like. However, I’m thinking it might be time for a change.

      Liked by 1 person

      1. Thankyou so much! I really do love writing. It’s something I have always found therapeutic! This might sound stupid but how on earth do I add tags to my posts?


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